Sorry… it’s too close to call! But what the hell does an algorithm know!

After considering your answers, our computer has decided that many of those answers are equally balanced between positive and negative indicators for transition. The algorithm considered your case as borderline and in need of further investigation by a licensed therapist.

Usually, the computer goes for this option when you’ve ticked some of the boxes that have been proven to be good for transition outcomes: a strong network of support, good mental health etc… but alongside some red flags – for example – over concerned with appearance, limited financial resources etc.

However, there is a massive chance that this test result is completely and utterly wrong. Every human being is different and there are a whole host of mental, physical and social circumstances that this test can not take into account. Therefore, we urge you to heed the following advice…

…Do not pay any attention to the results of this test but to the questions it asks; each question raises some fundamental issue connected with transition and it is useful to consider each one carefully.

If you have taken this test then it is likely you suffer from gender dysphoria and gender issues. It is absolutely imperative that you deal with this problem offline. See a qualified healthcare practitioner please…because gender dysphoria is a real, chronic (in some cases ‘acute’) illness.

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