The autogynephilia virus is spreading…


In what sense is AGP a virus?

Excuse the clickbait title, but I thought it would be interesting because I knew that there would be three interpretations by visitors of this site…

1) Those who believe that the concept of autogynephilia is bogus, transphobic and toxic… and so see any advance in awareness of the theory as a spreading malignancy.

2) Transphobes and radical feminists who see AGP as a dark truth behind all things transgender and believe it is some menacing threat spreading through society. The idea that – like reds under the bed or a fifth column – there is a growing army of crossdreamers infiltrating all levels of society.

3) And this is the one I fall into: the belief that perhaps the actual thing – autogynephilia (whatever it is) is actually increasing in prevalence in the male population. This, however, is probably just because a lot of my professional work is in this area so it seems to me like it’s everywhere.

Nevertheless, it would be extremely interesting to find out what percentage of the population has a sexual interest in being another gender, and whether it’s increasing.

I think my very unscientific belief for this is it’s something like all the chemicals in the rivers turning the fish funny genders. I Have some vague idea that pollution is feminizing man, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing by the way 😂 – using toxins to get rid of toxic masculinity.

Getting to the point

However, it is the first interpretation that was the inspiration for this post. I just watched a very pleasant transvlogger do a video about AGP and I couldn’t help feel that the idea is gaining more traction.

I found it particularly interesting her comments about being naive when she was young – and assuming that all transgender people were like her – but that as she got older she started to realize that people transition for different reasons.

You have to feel sorry for a young early-onset transsexual going to group meetings and ending up with 50/60 year old autogynephiliacs. That just doesn’t seem right.

Not that I have ever thought that a crossdreamer has a less valid for transitioning than an early onset transsexual, I just think that the two experiences are so different that they both have a right to know and understand that they’re different (rather than just think they’re the same). Anyway, here’s the video…

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