Are you addicted to sissy porn? Welcome to your Are you addicted to sissy porn? How often do you go to bed in order to sleep but end up awake for hours, spanking the monkey? 1. Once in a blue moon. 2. Once a week 3. Often. None Which of these statements most accurately describes you at this point in your life? 1. Utterly lost. 2. Could be better - could be worse. 3. Deeply unhappy. 4. Super-duper. None How many times a day - on average - do you have a porn session? 1. Not everyday. 2. Once. 3. Twice. 4. Three times. 5. Four or more. None Do you ever look at girls in the real world and imagine them in the extreme scenarios of your pornworld? 1. No: pornworld is pornworld and I keep my fantasies separate from the real world. 2. Occasionally. 3. Frequently. I like to imagine girls from the real world in extreme sexual scenarios. None Has your work (school or office) ever suffered because you devoted time to porn that should have been devoted to work? 1. Never. 2. Sometimes 3. Often. None Have you ever found yourself browsing for new types of porn because you're no longer satisfied by your regular porn? 1. Never. 2. Sometimes. 3. Often. None Do you have a clear, viable idea of where you want to be in five years time and how to get there? 1. Damn right. 2. I'm clueless on both counts. 3. I know where I want to be but no idea of how to get there. None How many times have you gone to watch an interesting series or film...but ended up surfing porn? 1. Many. 2. Rarely. 3. Never. 4. Quite often. None Have your adventures in pornland caused you any difficulties with real life sexual relationships? 1. Yes - because I'd already spent all my sexual energy on porn. 2. Yes - because I just don't find vanilla sex stimulating anymore. 3. A combination of answers 1 and 2. 4. No - because I use so much porn I don't even have time/ability to find a real lover. 5. No. None Do you ever suffer from porn flashbacks - vivid memories of something you saw in porn while walking down the street/shopping etc? 1. Sometimes. 2. Never. 3. Often. None Have you ever excused yourself early from a social event so you could return home to watch porn? 1. Once or twice. 2. Never. 3. Quite often. None Do you think that porn is morally questionable? 1. Definitely. 2. I'm not completely sure. 3. No. None How often do you orgasm and then feel disgusted with what you've been watching? Cum followed by shame. That's how I roll. Sometimes. Rarely or never. None Do you fear real life sex? Are you confident of your interpersonal skills and your sexual performance? Of course I don't fear sex. And... I'm reasonably confident of my skills and personality. I want real sex, but the whole thing seems very complicated and makes me feel vaguely anxious. Although I want real sex on some level, I'd rather stick with what I know: porn! None How often do you start looking at porn when you're not even that horny? I know that eventually I'll get horny. Why would I look at porn if I wasn't horny? Ocasionally. None Have you developed any physical symptoms related to your porn use (wrist/elbow problems, chafed foreskin, anus etc.) Yes. No. None Do girls in ordinary clothes and no makeup seem devoid of excitement compared to silicone chicks in tight dresses and red lipstick? I really need that glam element to get turned on. 2. I like porn chicks, but I get turned on by down to earth girls, too. I like regular girls too. None Do you have a history of addiction and/or compulsive behaviour? Yes. I have a very addictive personality. Not really. None Are you falling behind your friends and peers in terms of social and profesional success? That's a pretty good description, yeah. Not really. A little bit, yes. None Are you lonely? Although I'm surrounded by people, I still feel lonely. Not really. Definitely not. Definitely yes. None 1 out of 20 Time's up