Is this all a fetish or am I transgender? TEST: Is this all a fetish or am I transgender? How often do you cry because you wanna be a girl so much? 1. Never. 2. Never...but that’s because my gender feelings come out in other ways. 3. Seldom. 4. Often. None Do you sometimes walk into the lingerie section of department stores for the erotic buzz? 1. Busted! I love it. 2. Never. 3. Occasionally. None How many times a day do you experience girl-envy when you see a pretty girl? 1. Constantly! 2. Sometimes. 3. Never. None Do you have a girl name? 1. Yes, but it’s overtly sexual and/or over the top… (‘Mimi fuck-kitten the cum slut!’) 2. Yes! 3. No. 4. Yes...and it's deeply important to me. None Do you have conflicting moments when sometimes it seems entirely logical that you are a woman and others where it suddenly seems ridiculous? 1. Yes. 2. No...because there is nothing logical about me wanting to be a woman. No...because I know that I am - deep down - female. None Putting aside biology, which of the following roles do you think you’d be better at: Mother or Father? 1. Mother. 2. Father. 3. Not sure. None How often do your sexual fantasies involve fetish fabrics such as latex, satin etc? (Please don\'t try to second guess the test. Having a raging latex fetish doesn\'t invalidate your transgender impulses.) Almost always. Sometimes. Never. A lot. But trust need to be a girl goes way beyond any kinks I have. None How would you describe your testicles? 1. The family jewels. 2. I don't really have any thoughts about them, to be honest. 3. A ball and chain (except there's 2 of them) that condemn me to a life of loathesome masculinity. 4. Sometimes I wish I could just rip them off. None Does your sexual interest in femininity predate your transgender interest? 1. Yes. 2. No. None If you could be a woman but would not have access to fem clothing, cosmetics and silicone...would you still want to be a woman? 1. Not really, to be honest. 2. Yes, but I'd be gutted to miss out on those things. 3. No way! None Which of these 3 things would you want the most if you could be reborn tomorrow? 1. Richer parents. 2. I'd be much more handsome. 3. I'd be a girl. None Are you really prepared to transition? 1. Damn right! 2. Hell no! 3. Still thinking! None How do you feel about the fact that men are better paid than women? 1. Fucking outraged. 2. That it's wrong. 3. As Wiz Khalifa said... "paper over bitches." 4. Have more important things to worry about, thanks. None What colour eyes does your ideal man have? 1. Listen: men appear in my fantasies, but I don't care about their eyes. 2. Blue. 3. Green. 4. Brown. None How much of your time thinking about being a woman is in a purely sexual context? 1. Not all of it...but a lot of it. 2. All of it. A little bit. None If you could live successfully as a woman - but hormones and surgeries would take 10 years off your life...would you still live as a woman? 1. Definitely. 2. Definitely not. 3. I'd have to think long and hard about it. None How much of your day is spent obssessing over gender? 1. 0% 2. From 1 - 5% 3. Above 10% None The idea of being a wife or girl-friend... 1. Really turns me on...especially to a dominant, older man who insists I be super feminine. 2. Seems right and natural (and it also turns me on.). 3. Seems utterly wrong. 4. I need more time to think about it. None Do you like penetrating women? 1. Yes...but I'd rather be the one being penetrated. 2. Love it. 3. I suppose... but it's not ideal. 4. I only like guys so obviously I don't like penetrating girls. None How do you feel when friends and family start taking photos? 1. Get that thing away from me because I can't bear to see my male self in photos! 2. Strut my stuff and start looking sharp, baby! 3. I just get on with doing what's expected of me. None 1 out of 20 Time's up