The Sissy Slut Test Welcome to NovaGirl's Sissy Slut Test The thought of 5 pretty ladyboys ejaculating on my face makes me... Thirsty. Horny... but I'd never actually do it. Want to run a mile. The only thing I can think of better, would be to be a ladyboy myself. None How long max can you go without masturbation? (doesn't include chastity devices) Half a day Half an hour 1 day 2 days or more None Cum swapping is... Come Dancing, but people swap old items they don't need any more. Something I'd do regularly given half the chance. Really not my thing. I'd give it a go for experimental reasons. None When you think of your ultimate fantasy... how many men does it involve? I'm a good girl. Just the one. A veritable conveyor belt. One after another - they just keep coming. I'll be honest, I'd love to be the girl in one of those videos where she has 7 or 8. A couple of cocks will do me nicely. None Do you sometimes fantasise about sucking off transvestites and they're not even particularly feminine or good looking? You got me there! Ew Not really. None Have you ever eaten your own cum? Waste not want not... Yes, and I'll never do it again. A few times. Jesus Christ, no! None You can be either a successful stripper or a successful doctor ( in both cases you'd earn the same amount of money and have the same long term financial prospects) Stripping is an underrated profession. Stupid question. Obviously a doctor.. The doctor, but I own that I do fantasise about being a stripper. None Your prettiest ex says she'll never sleep with you again, but she might consider allowing you to clean her up after a real man has been inside her. You would... Quickly pull out your phone, open Google Calendar and look for an available gap in your schedule. Be angry... but in the wee hours your tiny clitty starts wriggling as you imagine it. Be mightily offended and consider never speaking to her again. None Have you ever followed a really pretty girl simply to continue looking at her... I'm not a stalker, Mistress, I promise, but yes What's wrong with that? That would be predatory, possibly illegal, obviously not. None Are you capable of being aroused for masturbation (not sex) without some extreme element of femininity involved, be it clothing, exceptionally large breasts etc? Absolutely Once in a blue moon Not really None 1 out of 10 Time's up