What kind of hooker are you? What kind of hooker are you? Do you like working in the open air and have a high capacity to tolerate cold weather? I have no problem working outdoors in December in a short PVC mini-skirt! No way! I'm a princess and I need to be warm and cozy inside when it's cold. Yes, if you dose me up with booze and amphetamines. None How would you look after a professional makeup and styling session? Like a clown in drag! Like a woman who's been taking anabolic steroids for twenty years. Reasonably passable! Attractive. Most men in a bar would check me out and think "I'd do her." Absolutely gorgeous! None What do you do when a man takes his 'you-know-what' out? Get down on my knees like a good girl and suck him dry, making sure I swallow every drop and then thanking him for the privilege. Run a mile! Wish that there were five co**s more! Get to work efficiently and competently but I don't really enjoy it. None What is your level of education? (Are you able to hold intelligent, witty conversations?) I'm as dumb as a bag of hammers. Highschool. University. University + postgrad. None If a well-heeled client starts talking about a problem at work...do you... Tell him to stop yapping, unzip his flies ...and to look for a therapist if he wants to talk about problems. Loosen his tie, give him a massage and tell him you want to hear all about it. Ask him if he's got any coke or meth. Listen politely for a couple of minutes and then get down to business. Fall asleep. None What's your idea of the perfect outfit for meeting a client? PVC miniskirt, transparent blouse, thigh high boots - all bought in a cheap clothes store. Designer PVC miniskirt, boots, blouse. Prada silk blouse, pencil skirt and a Luis Vuitton bag. Whatever's at hand. None Do you swallow? Yes...preferably by the jug load. To be honest, I would be physically sick if you put spermatozoa in my mouth. Of course...like any good girl. But I'm not into degrading myself. If that's what the client wants...that's what the client gets. None Talking with food in your mouth is... A natural part of sharing a meal. Disgusting. A bad habit that I'm working on eradicating. None Would you describe your anus as... Wide as a tunnel. You could probably drive a truck up there. A delicate rosebud that loosens up nicely with a bit of vaseline.. Off limits. The only thing that goes up there is my finger. Open all hours. A commodity. Show me the money and I show you my crack. None Your ideal lingerie comes from... The local sex shop: cheap, frilly and slutty! Shirley of Hollywood. / Fredericks. Victoria's secret. Harrods of London - lingerie dept. None 1 out of 10 Time's up