Kim Kardashian lookalike is transgender woman


A quick video about a beautiful woman who is constantly stopped in the street and told she looks like Kim Kardashian. Which famous girl do you look like?

What I can’t work out though is if this is the same transgender woman or there just happens to be another transgirl who looks like Kim.

  • You can see by the shape of her eyes (and by the different skin colour) that these are two different people. Why do both look like Kim, then? Well… I’d say it’s pretty obvious. If you take Kim’s makeup and special effects off, she looks rather plain and uninteresting as a woman. I wouldn’t call her ‘ugly’ in the usual sense of the word, but… certainly nothing exceptional. So put some amazing makeup on top of someone born male, change her body to be more curvy, and dress her like Kim, and it’s highly likely that they will resemble Kim. In other words: Kim is a product of surgery, makeup, and apparel. Replicate those and you’ll replicate Kim.

    Although it helps if one starts with dark eyes and raven-black long hair.

  • One side of me says – There is someone living the dream. So freaking jealous.
    Another side of me says – The beauty myth is such of a seductive trap.

    I think the first side is winning 🙂

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