Optimum mental health is absololutely vital



Step 3 of the Fusion Program: Eliminate all mental pathologies…

This may not be relevant to all readers but it’s certainly relevant to some, and they need to take decisive action immediately. You see, there are some people who initiate a program of life change and start out, logically, by focusing on important details like jobs and relationships and lifestyle. However, they have jumped the gun; the first thing you must do before anything else is to solve any major – or minor – problems you have with your mental health. These problems are often the cause of discord in all those areas mentioned above: jobs, relationships, money and lifestyle. Once you fix the root cause, then you can deal with the details.

A common problem with people who have gender issues is that it becomes a mono causal root of all evil…

…I’m alcoholic because of my gender issues.

…I’m depressed because of my gender issues.

…I’m anxious because of my gender issues.

Gender issues become the underlying cause of all problems the individual has. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not, but the point is that if you have any problems with your mental health – addiction, mood disorders, insomnia, anxiety – you must seek help to resolve them or they will corrupt the whole project of incorporating your deeper female self.

On this, there is only one relevant piece of advice: don’t be a stereotypical man… go to the doctor. Allow your deeper female self to do what a female would… find the relevant health care professional, let other people in (friends, family etc. for support) and solve the problem.

One important point to remember when resolving mental health problems is that – as with all services – there are massive differences in quality, and… there are some solutions which just aren’t right for certain types of personality. Please excuse the gross simplification, but there are three types of treatment in the world of mental health care… the pharmacological, the touchy feely ones and the kick up the ass ones.

In the case of the last two, some people respond well to group hugs and healing the inner child and holistic treatments whereas others respond well to cognitive treatments and a strong counsellor who gives them goals to achieve and calls them to account when they don’t achieve those goals i.e. a kick up the ass. Some people, though, just need the right medication and the problem is resolved. The point is that people tend to have blind faith in mental health care workers when, as you should know from our discussion of transsexualism, our understanding of the mind is far from an exact science and you can waste hundreds of hours and thousands of euros on treatment programmes that are never going to work for you.

Whatever treatment you choose, make sure you have good mental health… if you are depressed or a drug addict or a social-phobe then it’s going to make all the steps to fusion much more difficult, or even impossible. Book a doctor’s appointment now!

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