The psychology and sexology of choosing a Victoria’s secret angel costume for fancy-dress


Why choose a Victoria’s Secret Angel / Elegant Lingerie for a fancy dress party?

ADMIN: (Please remember – this is a humorous, mock scientific theory!)

When it comes to technique, the girl who chooses this type of costume will, in 96.9% of cases, be bad in bed. Quite simply, this girl will never swallow, never try interesting positions, and never ‘take it up the bum.’


The subject doesn’t want to go in a regular fancy dress costume because she thinks she’s special and better than the other girls. She identifies with the supermodels who glide down runways with VS lingerie and believes herself superior to her peers. And that’s why she’s so bad in bed…

…she makes no effort.

Believing that she’s a princess, she thinks that any man she takes into her bed is privileged and should bow down and do all the work.

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