What you need to become a BIMBO in 60 seconds: Trans Barbie explains!


This popular new vlogger catches perfectly in this video the spirit you need for effective feminisation training and bimbofication.

The first line of her video is “do you want to be a living, breathing Barbie doll?” 

I think I can answer for most of you and say “yes, you do.”

However, I think I can speak confidently about most of you and say “you are a bunch of lazy beeatches.”

And that’s why the last line of this video is so important if you are genuinely interested in bimbofication.





I found her video on Instagram – adee.ah

She also has a good video on the age-old bimbo staple – lipfiller – on her YouTube channel which highlights the risk of motion if you go to a cheap or inexperienced place (been there… done that… bought the t-shirt!)

The problem of motion in lip fillers is as it sounds: basically… s*** moving, or even worse – not moving!  for example


1. Rigidity: Some fillers lead to stiffness, making your lips look unnatural when smiling, speaking, or eating.


2. Overfilling (“🦆 Lips”): now, I know that most of you bimbo sluts want to have duck lips… but there’s duck lips and then there’s the pelican pout. 

An artistic rendition of the bimbo phenomenon known as duck lips. Two ducks fly out of a pair of surreal lips.
Yes, I know, it’s not very subtle, but I don’t claim to be an artist!

3. Migration: Filler can move from the intended area to surrounding tissues, causing lumps or unevenness, which become more noticeable when the lips move. So it’s like you’re talking, and your mouth is moving, and your tongue is moving, and the stuff within your lips is moving. Everything’s moving!

To sum up, if you’re from a small town and there’s only one place that offers lip fillers then catch a bus and go to a place where you have a lot of choice and you can do research. And then get your fillers!

Anyway, here’s the video. Incorporate it into all aspects of your feminisation training.



Anyway, I got a little distracted with the filler video, the most important thing I want you to focus is the first video. If you want to be a living breathing Barbie and a pretty bimbo it takes one thing above all else…




  • If my lips were big and full, there would be no going back. Being a Barbie doll must be wonderful. I have to get working. I want big lips 💋

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