Can you learn to be a girl?

How do girls learn to be girls… do we do some kind of feminization training?

The answer is simple and I want you to take some time to assimilate it: we watch other girls and imitate them!

A good example is TikTok tongue. A couple of years ago, girls did not stick their tongue out at an angle like a thirsty dog… but now we’re all at it. It‘s not genetic or biological but pure imitation.

And that’s good news for you because it means there’s a whole suite of behaviors that you don’t need to be born with, you just need to watch other girls and imitate them!

That’s why I use videos on the True Feminization course: it’s a simple way for my students to observe, learn and replicate.


This weeks feminization training is a collection of girls communicating purely through their expression, bodily movements or gaze: i.e. non verbal communication (NVC).

Watch the video repeatedly until every gesture and movement is imprinted in your memory.

Of course, True Feminization is a process of incremental changes so you’re not gonna suddenly develop a whole new style of non-verbal communication, but it will take you a step further towards your true gender and true destiny.


The Power of a Stare

The above video is filled with all sorts of fascinating examples of NVC, but I’d like to focus on the eyes, and different types of gaze.


Subtext: don’t look at me, don’t talk to me, don’t even think about me!

At some point you learn instinctively that you have to be careful about making eye contact with men. Ever the optimists, they always take it the wrong way.

Therefore, most girls learn to direct their gaze at the logical point: straight ahead!

The intensity which you add to this behavior is a function of one simple factor: how pretty you are!



Subtext: damn, you’re hot!


Perhaps it’s this enforced wearing of blinkers that means when you see a guy who blows your mind, you really communicate it fully.

This sideways glance leaves nothing to debate.



Subtext: I care about you deeply!

Friend, family or lover – whoever is at the other end of this dreamy gaze will be convinced you love them.

Hand on chin… a slow blink and compelling eyes make the message clear: you are my world.

Click the image below for more training


GirlyGirl wisdom is a key part of your training!

SESSION 5: Ever Deeper into the Girly-girl…

Can you feel it, Doll..?

…The ceaseless craving? The desperate desire to float in the pink clouds of a girly-girl world?



It was always there in your mind. I just erased the pathetic masquerade you erected to contain it.

But there can be no more pretending. You are now encased in a bubble of pretty ribbons and creamy pearls and soft, pink satin. You are a girly-girl. You are my little doll!


And today you will go further. You will empty your mind and initiate doll upload protocol 4.5.

  • Lie down in a dark, cozy room.
  • Press square for full screen.
  • Put on headphones.
  • Think nothing. Have no opinion. Have no past and no ideas. Just obey and assimilate girly-girl maxims 1 to 20 (there are 100 in total.)
  • Then reboot.

Press ‘full screen’ for maximum enjoyment.


Sissy training: where should I start with feminization?

EDITOR’S NOTE: ‘Feminization’ in this article does not refer to forced or erotic feminization, but a genuine desire to make oneself look female.



Last Tuesday, a comment was posted by ‘sissymelissa84’ about how painful it was to look at our ‘Instagram Alpha-Girl’ post.

It made me realize that Instagram beauties don’t just put pressure on young girls to be beautiful, but also on young boys who want to be girls… more worrying was her description of looking in the mirror. 


Then she finished by asking today’s question…

“I don’t want to be a man. But it’s just so overwhelming all the things I have to change…where do I even begin to feminize myself?”

Variants of this question often arrive in our mailbox: a sissy professes that their head spins as soon as they decide to self-feminize.

Today, I will be sharing my thoughts on the issue, as it was the same question I faced when designing our True Feminization program.



Basically, there’s no definitive or ‘correct’ answer. The moment you start analyzing it, you see that the best starting point for feminization is subjective, because…

  1. The meaning of ‘feminine’ itself is subjective, so we all prioritize certain ‘feminine’ objectives over others.
  2. Transgender psychology is a nascent field. There’s no definitive study on where feminization should start, leaving you to personal preference/philosophy.

So today I’m sharing an opinion, based on my beliefs about femininity, feminism and female experience; and I’m not trying to dictate to anyone (except my squirming chattels.)



In my opinion, two options must be immediately discounted…

….hormones and surgery. 



1: Common Sense

The future result of your feminization project is unknown; therefore, it makes no sense to invest significant resources. You don’t know if the desired outcome will be achieved. Surgeries and hormones…

  • cost money.
  • cause irreversible bodily changes.
  • cause disruption to social and professional relationships (you have to inform people why you have breasts, for example.)
  • require logistical input – organizing doctor’s meetings, transport etc.

This investment of financial, social and logistical capital is fine if we know everyone will be happy with the results (and the sissy blossoms into a novagirl).

But what if she changes her mind? What if she prefers being a sissy? What if familial or other obligations intercede and she needs to look male again? What if she realizes that she won’t look feminine at all… and throws in the towel?

Such uncertainty dictates caution and the need for a starting point that is cheaper and more discreet. 

2: Passing the entrance exam

If you want to become an American citizen you have to pass an exam demonstrating your grasp of American culture.

While I’m not suggesting an exam entry for the female gender, there should be a commitment to learn about the history, culture and socio-economic status of women. 

Of course, some readers will respond with horror at this notion, because they feel they are unconditionally, divinely appointed, self-evidently… entitled to be female.  And maybe they are.

But rights is not the issue I’m concerned about, nor those awful buzzwords – ‘privilege’ and ‘entitlement’. I am concerned with respect. 

It seems to me a simple question of respect that, before growing breasts and surgeries, you prepare yourself for femininity by developing an appreciation for the struggle of women, the voices of women, and the preoccupations of women.

This does not mean doing a Masters in gender studies at Columbia-university, but at least…. a  few good books on relevant topics.


3: Mental Health Issues

The vast majority of adult biological males – who want to transition to female – suffer from some form of mental illness such as anxiety, depression or addiction.

This is not because transgender people or sissies are more prone to mental illness, but that the vast majority of adults suffer from these illnesses.

In my experience, a full-on transition (i.e. hormones and/or surgeries) combined with mental illness can make the mental illness worse. Transition adds new problems to the list of things that need sorting: stress about passing, money problems, family issues, health issues, relationship issues, and 101 other things that go with transition.

There’s a a reason that humans go on retreats to sort ourselves out, or we send people to rehab far away from their family. It’s because the best way to get to the heart of the issue is to cut out the surrounding noise. Transition adds noise.

It also masks issues, and makes every problem look like a transition problem. Although your problems go beyond gender, you start to equate your depression or addiction or anxiety with not having transitioned successfully. You think that if you can only have surgery x and reach x standard of femininity, then all will be solved. But it won’t be. The problem is deeper than gender but is now drowned out by the drama of transition.

Also, recovering from mental illness requires clarity. Female hormones, however, change the way a biological male thinks. They can make you euphoric or anxious or tired or sexy or sexless or over emotional, and how are you supposed to know what’s real or…

…just the hormones? 

A more prudent path is a softer feminization which includes a process of healing all the nasty habits and trauma that you picked up as a male.

Do it that way and you can embrace the deeper feminization of hormones and surgeries with a clean bill of health. The choice is made with clearer eyes, a happier soul, and a better chance of success.


4: The Feminization of The Mind

To be a woman is not only to have breasts and a vagina. It is to inhabit a mental universe of thought, emotion and behavior that’s different from that of a male. In other words, men and women are fundamentally different, and it’s not just that men read maps better.

Women are the custodians of humanity. We conceive and carry and birth new lives. This means that even when we become soldiers, entrepreneurs or surgeons (and don’t have children), we’re still programed for creation, nurturing, growth, family, stability. That is the origins of our superior social skills, our instinct towards compromise and peace, and our aversion to risk and excess. 

Men, however, are not programmed to create stable social groups. They are programmed to dominate them. And if they can’t dominate, they’ll get as close to the center of power as they can.  Men suffer from an intrinsic restlessness which makes them challenge the status quo, and because nurturing children is a preference – not a biological imperative – they’re more excessive and ready to take risks. Also, they are able to think in a more calculated, cold, and selfish, manner.

Men who don’t believe in this difference like to start talking about neurology and psychology and data sets. But I don’t need those things. I just need a history book. Tell me…

…how many wars or famines or genocides or mass shootings or concentration camps were created by women?

So, I believe that men and women are fundamentally different. And this is one of the most important facts about our species. However, another important fact about our species is that we are adaptive. We learn. And thus… male minds can be reconditioned into female minds. And that is where I start my novagirls on the path to feminization: reconditioning!

To explore the female mind (rather than focus on the body) is to reject the malignant vanity of the InstaGeist. It’s our society’s obsession with appearance that leads novagirl to immediately think of the physicality of womanhood, when it is more rewarding to prioritize the mental.

On our program, we train novagirls to communicate more effectively, to listen, to ask the right questions, to resolve conflicts, to eliminate vice, to focus the mind, and to practice moderation in all things. These improvements create real world benefits in terms of relationships, health and career.

Furthermore, mental feminization accelerates the healing of mental pathologies we mentioned earlier. It’s as if novagirl had been waiting her whole life for precisely this event (the feminization of her mind) to feel complete. Then she is truly ready for the feminization of her body.*

*Just to be clear, I do believe that the feminization of body and face are fundamentally important. I’m just arguing that it should come later in the process.


5: Confidence


One of the biggest impediments to successful transition is fear. Namely, the fear that people don’t see you as a woman, and a paranoia that they’re looking at you, knowing, thinking, saying to themselves that you’re biologically male. 

The greatest insurance against that fear is preparation. You need to practice and acquire femininity at your own pace with a high degree of thoroughness. If you begin surgeries and hormones before acquiring a feminine walk, talk, make up skills (and a zillion other aspects of feminine existence) it’s like flying an aircraft before completing your training.

The learning on the job philosophy (full transition) is much more difficult because you are in the public spotlight. It’s much better to go slow and steady and build your confidence. 



The starting point which I chose for The True feminization program combines physical, mental and behavioral dimensions. It is this…



Losing weight is…

⦁ Free.
⦁ Healthy.
⦁ A self-esteem booster.
⦁ Discreet. (No need to announce anything dramatic to loved ones about transition.)
⦁ Increases the possibility of a feminine appearance (Being fat is a minor disaster for a biological female… a total disaster for a novagirl.)
⦁ Men eat more, smoke more, drink more, use drugs more. In fact, one of the archetypal male degeneracies is excess. Learning to eat less is a good starting point to temper this weaknesses and introduce a female strength: moderation. Diet and nutrition is, therefore, a great way of combining the transformation of the body and the mind.


Elle’s website for The True Feminization Program

A 5-step Feminization Plan: “I want to be a bimbo… Where do I start?”

“I want to be a bimbo.”

This is one of the most common e-mails we receive. For these readers, feminization training is not enough… they want to become bimbos. So I decided to write this brief guide on where to start your journey towards bimbofication.

The way I see it, there are five initial steps you need to take.

1. Correct your information flow

Let me ask you a question: have you ever heard of a happy philosopher or writer or political activist?

Of course, not!

Being a thinking person inevitably leads you to think about the human condition and its logical adjunct: despair!

Forget about the news and ‘issues’ and contemplate… the bimbo condition.

Being a bimbo is a state of mind, not just a state of body. That state is something like a void…

…a bubbly, shiny, pink… void.

Books and news and documentaries will bring you down and distract you from your mission: being pretty and getting lots of followers on social media.

Correct your information flow towards fashion, beauty, and other bimbos.

2. Secure funding

Becoming a bimbo requires more than feminization training. It requires cash. Lots of it. Concretely, if you’re starting from zero (i.e. a totally flat chest etc.) the surgeries alone will be tens of thousands.

Then you have the wardrobe, gym, car, toy dog, dental work, beauty treatments, hairdresser and much more.

solution: sugar daddy, bank loan, escort work (regular work just isn’t an option… bimbos don’t work!)

Probably the best option is a bank loan. Once you’re a fully fledged bimbo, there’ll be lots of economic opportunities and you can soon pay it back.

3. Buy your starter pack

It can be really depressing when you see just how much money your mission can cost. That’s why you need to raise your morale and get things moving with an affordable, viable action…

…your bimbo starter pack.

  1. Fake tan
  2. Hair dye.
  3. Shocking lipstick ( and some stripper heels if you have the cash)

All bimbos have dyed hair, fake tan and a lot of makeup. All of which are within reach of any girl… so get yourself to the mall. These baby steps will impulse a rush of excitement that spurs you on to further glamor and glory.

4. Get your diet sorted from day 1

Why don’t you see fat bimbos?

Because – by definition – a bimbo can’t be fat.

You can have all the surgeries, micro dresses, and chihuahuas in the world, but nobody will call you a bimbo if you’re fat. They’ll call you a fat slag or a chav.

Therefore, bearing in mind that your starter plan requires you to be thin, it’s best to get all diet issues sorted out from day 1. That means learning exactly what you can eat, when you can eat, and in what portion sizes.

Do it now, and it will save you lots of calorie counting when you’re a fully fledged bimbo. You will already know the perfect diet by instinct. (I really recommend Elle’s True Feminization program for diet tips.)

5. Move to a new city and reinvent yourself

There’s nothing worse than relaunching your sense of self… and then you bump into that primary school friend who remembers that time you pissed your panties in school assembly (whoops… didn’t mean to reveal that.)

People from your past are like gravity… they bring you down to earth.

Bimbos live in the clouds!

So… move to a bimbo friendly city where there’s cool people, economic opportunity and good vibes…

…that’s the perfect place where you start being a bimbo.

(A more serious look at first steps and first surgery towards bimbofication)