Dear Blaire, I enjoy watching your videos…but I often get the same feeling I get when I watch naughty vids. It’s not only that you turn me on……
The moment you set eyes on the human Barbie that is ‘Eden the Doll,’ your mind immediately rebels at the superficiality and vanity of calling oneself ‘the…
So, you’ve told your parents, you’ve seen your doctor, you’ve splashed out on a new wardrobe and now you transition. But then what? In the case the of…
I know a lot of crossdreamers who fantasize about having a vagina. That’s why I thought I’d post 3 videos I just watched on what it’s like for…
Welcome to my new favorite transgender vlogger, Maya, whose most attractive feature is she’s so God damned chilled. In this video she talks about some embarrassing things…
This video really put transphobic trolling into perspective for me. We sometimes get annoyed here at the obsessive fetishists trying to spam us with their fetish theory, but…
How’s your Spanish, guys? Well, don’t worry because I’ll soon be publishing a course for beginners. In the meantime have a little look at the incredible story of…
A quick video about a beautiful woman who is constantly stopped in the street and told she looks like Kim Kardashian. Which famous girl do you look like?…
SO, you’re attractive, you’re young, you’re transgender…BUT YOU’S BROKER THAN A BAG LADY! How you gonna pay those medical expenses, girl? Well, here’s one soloution…get a sugar daddy.…