How to Jedi Mindtrick Your Gender Dysphoria…


Chapter 1: Be transgnostic.

I’m going to begin our session the way I start all my sessions: with a single slap to the face. Your face.

No doubt you’ll start protesting, but that’s when I’m going to hold up the cover of this book and point to the title. Come on! Didn’t you suspect when you saw the word Jedi that my gender dysphoria treatment was going to be a bit unconventional? And now that you’re starting to see just how unconventional it is, my tone will soften and I’ll explain why I slapped you.

It was to snap you out of the dream. You see, almost every transgender person who seeks me out has lost their fricking mind somewhere in Internetland. This is because a gender awakening leads people to wonder what’s happening to them, so they go to the internet. But while a search for local pizza yields some pretty reliable information, trying to discover your gender identity online leads you to a land where not only the blind lead the blind, but every blind person has their own political party. Whether it’s the LGBT brigade or the religious right, everyone’s got something to say about being transgender and everyone has their own manifesto to ram down your throat.

And that’s the fucked up thing: nobody involved in the debate is actually interested in discovering the truth about the transgender condition…it’s just a series of groups with different religious, political or emotional motives, fighting their corner and waving their flags.

Let’s go through them one by one.

Firstly, you’ve got a bunch of people who transitioned. These people have made a pretty massive decision about how to combat their gender dysphoria and may have lost friends, family, and a body part or two on the way. I salute their bravery – I really do – but if you’re genuinely interested in discovering objective truths about the transgender condition, it’s clear their views are a tad biased. Nobody who’s made such a momentous decision is interested in uncovering objective truths, they’re interested in justifying the momentous decision – especially if they lost friends, family, and a body part or two.

Then you’ve got the detransitioned – reformed transgender people with the sort of excessive zeal the reformed smoker displays. They’re like fresh converts to a religion, and while they have a story to tell, are usually bitter and incapable of being objective. Their zealousness is echoed right across the board where the religious conservatives are only interested in proving the whole thing is wrong, the transfundamentalists that it’s right, the autogynephiliacs that it’s a fetish, and ‘progressive’ health care workers who just want to show the world how progressive they are. Bemused, your average liberal member of the public is left not understanding any of it, just knowing that it’s their job as a liberal to support the disenfranchised minority.

The entire transgender debate is, therefore, completely politicised and subjective: bent towards the interests of specific groups, paying no attention to standard notions of scientific analysis or objectivity. It’s like a post-modern novel filled with different streams of consciousness, each one with its own existential needs.

The lifeblood of this mess is the refusal of all concerned to face up to the most challenging fact we know about the transgender condition: that there are no facts. Sad but true! Scientists do not know if it’s organic or mental or delusional or sexual or social or an act of God himself (or herself.)

There’s not one person on earth who’s formulated a hypothesis about the causes of the transgender condition which has been scientifically proven. Not even close. And history has shown that when homo sapiens cannot provide a reasonable explanation for a phenomenon, we simply invent one. Our capacity for red herrings, tenuous explanations and outright fiction is shown by the fact that the thing that has been most talked about, fought about and written about since the dawn of human history is a being for whom there is absolutely no evidence…

As God proves, not only do we invent explanations, but while we’re at it, we always make it some irksome, moralising explanation that justifies whatever it is the person giving the explanation, wants. In the case of the transgender debate, each group has created a narrative that justifies their position. Whether it’s the transphobe persecuting gender variant people because ‘this is what God wants,’ or a transwoman transitioning because ‘this is what nature wants’ each group is caught in an endless quest to interpret the transgender phenomena to reflect their agenda.

However, this book is not for people looking to justify a position they’ve already adopted. It’s for people interested in discovering the truth; and once we discover that truth we’re gonna use it as the basis of our gender dysphoria strategy. And that’s why I slapped you: because I need to snap you out of Internetland and all the political and imaginary narratives that spew from it. You need to unconditionally accept the first principle of this book: that no one knows a fucking thing about the origins of the transgender condition, and anytime we do discover something – whether it’s about hormone X or gene Y – it only leads to more questions.
Continue Reading…(Ignore the troll review!)


  • I have to agree. Having always tried to be independant intellectually and somewhat rebellious in my attitudes, I did notice already that this whole topic is a huge mess of people pushing various agendas. Now I don’t exactly know either what the fuck is going on with me. I have gender dysphoria and it started in childhood (now I’m in my early twenties but still not sure if I should transition full time or not, pros vs cons). It’s not only practical reasons that prevent me it’s also a lack of understanding about the topic and its reasons, and since nobody seems to have a real and definite answer as to the WHY ? I don’t like making any serious decision without understanding the context, reasons and implications…
    Also I kinda gave up on any attempt at sexuality because I don’t know wtf is going on with me, and it as always been like that. I am attracted to any gender (guess I’m pansexual or something) but only when I imagine myself as woman, doesn’t work as a male. Since I can’t hack my brain to actually forget about my male stuff it makes me kinda disgusted and not interested in sex whatsoever. Maybe I’m the kind that if I may transition I may only be interested in sex after SRS.
    But at the same time since I can “pass” easily as man because I have a man body, maybe I should just stay like that and just forgo any sex or relationships (focus on other things, after all we decide what we do with our life). Although honestly mentally I have always been wired more like a woman it still is much easier to live socially as a man then living as transgender female would be.
    The problem is that my mind is fucked up, not in an intellectual sense (intellectually it’s doing pretty great) so I should probably say my emotions are fucked up I guess ? Because I have gender dysphoria but that doesn’t mean I want to be a bitch either, like your site seems to propose (seriously why would people willingly give their freedom to become a slave is out of my imagination). Maybe I am just deluded in a way, I just wish I didn’t have all these emotions.
    However there are some legit looking studies that link the hormonal levels in the embryo to the “brain gender” development, and even later hormonal level changes do not affect the “brain gender”. They tested it with results on animals as well. That could mean different levels of hormones in the embryos make up the character of people on a masculine-feminine fluid scale, now maybe genetically there is a programming to give more or less of each hormones depending on the intended sex (and chromosomes) but sometimes it kinda goes opposite to the program (bugs ?) and then people end up feminine in a male body or masculine in a woman body. That’s the sole explanation that seems to make scientific sense outside of the political agendas.

  • Loved this book it especially helped me from going off the edge after reading transgender complete.

    I especially liked the chapter on the Victoria secret model trying to kill. It helped explain to my (supportive) wife what happened to me a few months back when she put my photo through faceapp.

    • Thanks so much for the positive feedback xx

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