TEST: Are you really a sissy… or something else entirely?


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Am I a sissy - or something else entirely?

Discover your true sexual identity by taking this quiz now…

In the past ten years, the term ‘sissy’ has morphed simultaneously into an identity, a genre of porn, a general word for men who like dressing up as women, and many other things that involve male to female gender variance and sexuality.

ADVERT: If you are in need of feminization training and doll reprogramming, then visit our sister site by clicking the image below.


However, in an age where identity is so important, do you really want to attach such a vague label to your sexuality?

In this test we ask a number of questions which seek to identify what is the most suitable term for your sexuality and gender. We want you to look in the mirror and ask..

Am I really a sissy? 

p.s. If you want to see all possible results and their explanations then scroll down after you’ve taken the test.

Answers explained…


Hetero – with a side order of sissy kink!

Sorry, my beautiful friend…but you’re not an authentic sissy…you’re a part time dabbler. Your answers reflect an erotic interest in sissy subculture but a lack of the filth and commitment that characterizes the true sissy.

People with your test score are ‘kink-surfers’…which means that you’re a hetero guy with a spicy kink on the side. Personally, I wouldn’t complain…it means you have something about your sexuality that’s more interesting than a regular dude…but you can still cut it with the boys.

However, if you have ‘I’m a sissy’ tattooed on your butt and are disappointed to be excluded from the ranks of sissyhood, please remember that this test is not remotely scientific and the results maybe entirely wrong, so just use it as food for thought about your sexuality and gender.




This test is for fun, so please don’t proclaim yourself transgender because of the result.

Saying that, your answers do show a tendency towards a transgender perspective. This means that your femininity is not just as a kink or a temporary state of mind, but a fundamental part of who you are.

Therefore, we conclude that you are definitely not a sissy because both the linguistic origins of the word and sissy subculture make the protagonist of sissy fantasy a feminized boy – whereas you see yourself as a girl.

However, this test is not scientific and the results maybe wrong, so just use it as food for thought. Ultimately, we got your attention by promising a label…but it’s more important that you think about your sexuality and gender in the interests of self knowledge.

Gender variant masochist or …straight up masochist


Although submission is a common component of sissy fantasy, it is only one of several. Your answers indicate, however, that submission is the prime energy source of your sexuality.

The most accurate sexological term for your sexual behaviour is, therefore, ‘masochism’. The biggest turn-on for a masochist is humiliation and servitude…and this indeed seems to be your biggest turn-on.

Sissification provides us with some insight into the differences between gender-centred sexuality and masochist-centred. Whereas a ‘sissy’ would be turned on by the intense femininity of a french maids uniform in of itself – the masochist is turned on by the humiliation of a male being forced to wear such a feminine article.

However, it is well known that every human being usually has three or four sexual preferences that turn them on, so it is common for a gender-centred sissy to get turned on by the humiliation of masochist centred behaviour and vice versa. Therefore, the best description for you might be a ‘sissy with a strong interest in masochism’.

However, this test is not remotely scientific and the results maybe entirely wrong, so just use it as food for thought. All we want is that you think about your sexuality and gender in the interests of self knowledge.

Gay or Bi…

Okay, ‘sissy’ maybe a multi use term, but your consistent leaning towards men as sexual partners leads us to think that ‘gay’ or ‘bi’ is a better term for you. But of course…gay is beautiful: so be proud!

While sissies, crossdreamers and crossdressers often fantasize about men, these men are often (but not always) props in a deeper fantasy about being female. Your answers seem to indicate that what’s important is that you have a man in front of you – not that you are female.

If however, the female role is important to you then you have fallen through the cracks of the test and the result is inaccurate. But remember: it’s the journey not the destination that’s important, so use the test to think about your sexuality and gender – all in the service of self-knowledge.



Your dreams centre on a female self that goes way beyond the superficial femininity of sissy fantasy. And although you might maintain an outward appearance of masculinity, you know that there’s a part of you that’s forever female.

Crossdreamers live somewhere in the space that lies between (or maybe beyond) sissy and transgender. They recognize a strong sexual component to their crossgender behaviour but see it as more than sex.

Ultimately, however, the crossdreamer continues to live and present as their biological gender. This could be because their male self is just as strong as their female self, or because they don’t see transition as practical

To conclude, this test is not remotely scientific and the results maybe entirely wrong, so just use it as food for thought. Ultimately, we got your attention by promising a label…but it’s much better to think about your sexuality and gender in the interests of self knowledge.




However, by that definition, lots of other people who did this test are sissies… so why did you gain the esteemed title and they didn’t? What makes you a sissy? (Wish us luck! I’m sure we’ll get lots of angry e-mails about the following definition.)

A sissy is a man whose sexuality has a strong feminine component. However, this part of his nature is not evident in his day to day life (and he can usually have regular heterosexual sex just fine). There’s a firewall around his femininity.

Therefore, while in fantasy, a sissy may like to dress like a whore and suck fifty cocks (sorry, random example) the rest of the time he’s chillin’ in guy world.

If there’s no firewall containing your femininity and you’re walking around town en-femme, or you are obviously feminine…then ‘sissy’ is not the term for you. We would argue that something further along the spectrum of sexuality /gender is more appropriate.

To conclude, please remember that this test is not remotely scientific and the results maybe wrong, so just use it as food for thought. Ultimately, we got your attention by promising a label…but that is not our prime interest… we want you to think about your sexuality in the interests of self knowledge.

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  • The test isn’t loading. I’ve tried reloading the page but no luck 🙁

      • Try not making assumptions when trying to help others

        • Merci pour vos conseils et vos explications
          Ceci dit quand je refais le test tantôt je tombe sur 100% Authentic Sissy tantôt sur Crossdresser…
          Si vous pouviez plus m’orienter s’il vous plaît ?!

    • Yes im SISSY QUITA and im a 100% authentic sissykins yes omg my MISTRESS B loves it and so do i

  • There weren’t any options sleep with girls with dick, only cis/unspecified women or men (and YES I know trans women are women, and YES I know most trans women want SRS).

    I do consider myself transgender though even though I got crossdreamer as a result. I’ve had a chronic illness for much of my life along with bad genes and no finances or support network. Plus I grew up in the 80s and 90s when “transgender” and “transition” weren’t even words known to the public.

    I don’t know much about crossdreaming. I don’t fantasize about that sexually (I’m mainly visual when it comes to porn), but I like playing female characters in video games. Something I was thinking about though is that even though I don’t want SRS, if I’m playing a female char in a game and had the option of genitals I’d choose vagina (despite what my first paragraph would suggest)

  • my test say i’am a trans-girl must me

      • Got a 100% sissy 🥰 got my code word from mistress and now just waiting for instructions. If you see this mistress I’m ready! 😍

  • Fab test, I’m a sissy!
    Anyone wants to meet on sissydates.com ?

  • WOW! I have been living as a woman totally full time and even legally married to a man and am his wife. I also have had feminine feelings all my life since my teens and I am now a mature senior. The test says that it does not think that the sissy narrative is the right thing for me. REALLY?

    They need to come up with some new and better questions. I have taken other tests and most have said that I am well passed the point of no return and am more like a woman. So what do they consider a sissy?

    • Oh my! I KNOW I am a girl! I feel like a girl! I adore having a man in my arms, being his woman, loving him! To hell with the tests, just let me test myself with him! Oh, where is my loving man?

  • I’m a crossdreamer
    It is perfect ?

  • Pingback:What is crossdreaming? | Novagirl
  • Thank you. I thought I was a sissy, and now you convinced me. I am so happy.

  • Im happy to be a crossdresser Love my bras and panties

  • I’m 100% sissy. Wow! I knew it all along really.

  • im a 100% sissy and its true. I now only want men

  • I am a closeted submissive CD sissy …I LOVE C*** I LOVE C** I NEED A F**k BUDDY… a MAN/CD/TS/TV or another Sissy totally unihibited clean smart ddf loyal and honest

  • This quiz result is not accurate. ive yearned to be a girl my entire life. grew up to be a whore had over 50 boyfriends. been doing my thang en femme in public for years since a young age. i got: “crossdreamer” [BUZZZZ] WRONG! Honey i could blow your mind!

  • It appears I am transgender which corresponds to what my therapist told me. Truthfully I have known for years but an extremely abusive father caused me hide for so many years. He used to humiliate me and used homophobic slurs: after a while you started believing what I was told and putting a mask on was the only way to survive. Even with that, I middle and high school I was the favorite target of bullies. Fast forward many year, I got two masters and one PhD and still I have no idea what I am and whether there is a path to happiness or acceptance.

  • oh wow…100% authentic sissy… Knew it deep down, really have always liked to dress up in female clothes and lingerie. Started watching regular porn and always imagined I was the girl, then moved to gay porn, then had sex with a transsexual, now I want to take the last step…

  • 100 per cent sissy! Yes and I actually agree with the description and outcome of the test. Thank you so much.p.s. I love 💘 💗 ♥ 💓 these tests

  • I am 100% a sissy, thanks for the test, it further confirms what I have believed and know about myself after many years of struggling with my gender identity and fetish: I am a guy who every once in a while likes to have fun be being a girly dirty slutty dumb whore for men, so what?

  • I came up as a crossdresser and this is true. However, I could have been a beautiful sissy if I found the right mistress years ago. It is something I do wish happened.

  • Transgender……..my femininity is not just a perversion or a temporary state of mind, but a fundamental part of who I am……

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